I think, therefore I write. (我思,所以我写。)

Cogito ergo scribo

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Back in SG

Touched down at around 2pm, and then took a cab back to my rented place. Mom followed me back and then waited for my aunt to pick her up in the evening and return to JB. They just left at around 8.30pm.

Am dog tired. Even my aunt saw me just now and said i looked exhausted and asked me why i don't take leave tomorrow to rest. Well, i wish i could, but work is piling up. I don't even wanna think about the time i'm gonna spend working for the next three days before i depart for London. I'm afraid the travel log would gotta be put into the queue of my long list of outstanding posts.

Anyway, to sum it up, i did somewhat enjoy the trip, even though not 100%. I hope mom had enjoyed her time there. If not for anything else, i bet she had enjoyed the shopping very much, seeing that she spent all the money that she had exchanged (about SGD500). I even had to pay for some of her stuff for the last few days because she had used up all her HKD.

I haven't done a calculation on how much in total i've spent on this trip. My guess would be somewhere around SGD1500, including mom's air ticket and our accommodation. I didn't really buy a lot of stuff there, and that's really a pity, for HK is known for shopping shopping shopping. I guess i'm rather budget-conscious, and also the stuff isn't really cheap either -- if i wanna get good quality stuff, mostly are branded and expensive; if i were to get cheaper things, then it's "made in China", and i might as well go to China and buy (yes, i know even branded stuff are now made in China as well, but at least there is a certain QC to it). Moreover, it's winter season now, so the fashion, even though nice, isn't really practical for me to wear in SG. So i returned to SG with an unsatisfied feeling.

Oh well, that's the end of my short break. It's back to work tomorrow. Sigh...


Welcome back!

Haha! Nevermind lah! At least u had really "been to HK".
I'd only "been to HK Airport" twice :(
So next time we go together in Autumn to shop, ok?

Autumn? Why autumn? Should be late Summer!!! So that we can enjoy the sales!!!!

I didn't get much stuff from HKG either cause it's really not cheap! Just like what you said, which I have "prophesied" that things that are cheap are mass production from China, things that are good are usually with a recognise brand but not cheap! Well, when we travel we opt for cheap stuff isn't it?

Yeah, it should be summer... and the fashion will be more suitable for us too during that time.

Well, i'd say we would go for cheaper stuff, as compared to the same stuff that we could get in SG or Msia. If the prices are the same or more expensive, then i don't really see the point of buying there, of course unless we can't get that particular design over here.

Ya, it should be late summer or early autumn, when they "throwing" out-season summer clothes. But lots of ppl told me now really don't see the need to shop in HK lah!
So if go shopping purposely, then not worth it.
If go look see look see, then 顺便shopping is of course very ok :p

Share your cogitation

Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 6:21 am: Free Internet access
Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 4:57 am: HK - Day 1 & 2
Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 4:26 am: Working working working
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 9:16 pm: At the airport
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 6:14 am: Still packing
Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 4:58 am: The past weekend
Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 4:08 pm: My to-buy list
Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 4:56 am: Not highly ambitious
Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 5:06 am: Back late
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 5:29 am: Busy