I think, therefore I write. (我思,所以我写。)

Cogito ergo scribo

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

豆浆油条 (the song, not the food)

Ok, this may offend some people who love this song but i really must do this.... This stupid song has been playing on the S'pore radio station YES!933 like hundred times everyday that it is reaaallllyyy getting on my nerves. I really don't understand why it was played so frequently when it's actually a song from the singer JJ Lin's previous album.

I have nothing against the food. I love to drink 豆浆 and eat 油条, but seldom in this combination. I think M'sian prefers the 油条 to go with kopi or lü dou shuang (green been congee) instead. I have nothing against JJ either. As a matter of fact, i think he is one of the rare young singers who has a good voice and can sing very well. I like his other songs such as 江南.

However, personally, i think he should not have sung this 豆浆油条 song at all. The melody is not bad, but i think the lyrics sucks big time! It is even more unbearable when it is sung by JJ with his kind of mellow voice. I find it to be so so so so annoying that every time this song is played on the radio, i would be like this →

Here's the original lyrics with my annotation in brackets:

« 豆浆油条 »

词:张思尔 (i don't care whether or not you are a famous song writer but for everyone's sake, pls don't ever write lyrics for JJ anymore)

喝纯白的豆浆 是纯白的浪漫
望着你 可爱脸蛋 和你纯真的模样
我傻傻对你笑 是你忧愁解药 (if my boyfriend has a silly smile on his face all the time, i think i'll actually be more worry)
你说我 就像油条 很简单却很美好 (huh? you think making 油条 is very simple meh???)
我知道 你和我就像是豆浆油条
要一起 吃下去 味道才会是最好 (still, i don't think this combination is that tasty)
你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的拥抱 (no, i don't need my boyfriend's silly smile)
我知道 有时候 也需要吵吵闹闹 但始终
也知道 只有你对我最好 豆浆离不开油条 (says who? 油条 can go with other food too what!)
让我爱你爱到老 爱情就是要这样它才幸福美好
我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道 好不好 (ok, ok, i know you know she knows... i get your point. Enough already!)
别偷笑 笑 让我知道(就好)
我喝完热豆浆 却念着还想要
你吃完金黄油条 爱情又要再发酵

Why 豆浆油条? Why not something else? After all, not people everywhere like this kind of combination. Like i've mentioned, we M'sian prefer 咖啡油条 or 绿豆爽油条. So, to make this song universal, i've changed the lyrics as below:

« 马桶大便 »


脏兮兮的马桶 是重重的味道
望着你 粪便污迹 和你肮脏的模样
我不停对你泻 是你便秘泻药
你说我 就像大便 非常臭却很美好
我知道 你和我就像是马桶大便
一定要 一起用 气味才会是最好
你需要我的气味 我需要你的容量
我知道 有时候 也需要用力的挤 但始终
也知道 只有你对我最好 马桶离不开大便
让我爱你爱到老 爱情就是要这样它才幸福美好
我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道 好不好
别肚泻 泻 让我知道(就好)
我刚用完马桶 却念着还想泻
你装着臭臭大便 爱情又要再发酵

There, doesn't it make more sense now and is more applicable to all countries?!

杜德伟 (Alex To) has just released a new album and the radio station has been playing a new song (« 独领风骚 ») from the new album. Gosh, this is ten times worse than the 豆浆油条 song! The song is the Chinese version of Bahamen's Who Let The Dogs Out, only that the lyrics are different. The phrase of "who let the dogs out" was replaced by "独领风骚", but still with the "woof, woof, woof, woof, woof" in the song. What the hell? How does 独领风骚 have anything to do with dogs barking? Songs nowadays just don't make sense at all!

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Alex almost cant make it anymore. He triggered his limit ready. Dont think he can go beyond anymore. That's why the dogs bark come out, "woof, woof, woof..."

他妈的!Obviously this would offend those who like the song! It will also offend the songwriter! And how can you tell him not to write for JJ anymore?! You are too much, I feel! And you are right to say yourself as 马桶大便! Go and die! If you don't understand, this is the Chinese version: 去死吧!

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