Well, sometimes i think excessive complaining among colleagues is actually toxic to the organisation. The more bad things we tell each other, the more we feel resentful towards the company. It's a collective sentiment that can build up very quickly.
I sometimes also wonder if i have become the toxic too, for i have seen things that are not right, unfair and unrighteous, and felt mad about it. The usual reaction would be to tell someone about it, just to get it out of the chest. I used to pour all my troubles at work out to 贝, but now i have no one to tell anymore. So naturally i'd talk to my colleagues, but that can actually make me become the whiny employee who are detrimental to the staff's morale. I don't like that at all, to be a poison in the organisation. Hence i think that rather than to whine about it among ourselves, let's just bring it up openly.
Do i think that there will be any changes after that? No.
Do i think it makes any difference to the management or the company? No.
But do i think it makes any difference AT ALL? Yes, it does. It makes a difference to me.
Uh huh, despite knowing that i may land myself into trouble by speaking up, despite knowing that nothing will change even if we speak up, despite knowing that i may probably be the only one who will even say anything and be seen as a trouble maker... yes, despite all that, i will still do it.
You see, the thing is that it makes a difference to whether or not that i think i've done what i should to be answerable to myself and to God.
It's similar to why people would hold rally for a cause. You seriously think that the demonstration changes things? It doesn't most of the time, yet we still do it.
It's similar that when someone tells me the corruption will not stop just because of me not bribing the police in Malaysia if caught speeding. Yes, me alone not doing it will not change thing, but then does it mean that we should then just proceed to bribe them (if you can't beat them then you join them)?
It's similar to even though knowing that we will all die one day, we still want to live our life the best we can. We would never say that since whatever we do will not stop us from dying one day, so we might as well don't live or don't do anything at all?
I do not know how to express my thoughts on why i wanna do this, or the reason behind it. All i know is that we gotta do what we feel is right and just in life, even if we gotta put ourselves on the line for it.
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