I think, therefore I write. (我思,所以我写。)

Cogito ergo scribo

Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's not a drama

For those who love Korean drama, you should know that there are several famous ones whereby the lead actress/actor was actually the 3rd party to the relationship of the lead actor/actress. For instance, "Endless Love" (秋天的童话), "Winter Sonata" (冬季恋歌) and "Summer Scent" (夏日香气). The love stories of the protagonist were so beautiful that everyone who's watching the drama hopes the two can be together, even if it means hurting the original boyfriend/girlfriend.

So, if my incident is a Korean drama, i'd be playing the role of the villain who's the obstacle to the forbidden love of the two lovers, who fell in love hopelessly (爱到无法自拔) but knew each other too late in life (相逢恨晚). If you are the audience to this love story, probably you will hope the obstacle can be removed and let the lover birds to be together happily after.

Well, too bad, we aren't living in a Korean drama, are we?

Even if we are, the plot is way way way different. The protagonists are not married yet, and there is no adultery. The villain supporting actress should be the scheming type instead of so naive like me, while the lead actress should be the innocent and good person instead of a scheming sexual worker who does not feel anything about having sex with a married man.

Now, forbidden love story does touch our hearts, but when the story is so immoral and obscene, only the two involved will feel that they are being mistreated by the society and destiny.


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Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ 3:56 pm: My theme song 54
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