I think, therefore I write. (我思,所以我写。)

Cogito ergo scribo

Thursday, January 14, 2010

To the idiots

So from my earlier post until now, the total count of churches being attacked had increased to eight. Then there was news on stones thrown at a Sikh temple, which the authority claimed that it wasn't related to the church incident, but given their credibility (or the lack thereof), i'd say there's still a chance that it is related. We can't tell for sure unless the REAL perpetrators are caught -- and i emphasize on the word REAL because, again, given their track record, we can never be sure if they have found the real culprits or a scapegoat.

Anyway, out of the eight churches, only one was badly damaged. My church is actually affiliated to that church (AOG), and during the last Sunday service, our pastor told us that this was actually a blessing in disguise. That church had wanted to move to a newly built church but they couldn't get the required permit from the authority. Now that this was such high profile case, not only did the government promise a grant to the church, they would also settle the permit issue too. Praise the Lord.

As for the fiasco that doesn't seem to be ending so soon yet, i just have a few points to make to those idiots (not only to the perpetrators, but also to those who share the same opinion that the word is reserved for your religion only -- yes, that includes our idiotic government):

  • I believe that your religion, just like all other decent religions, preaches peace, respect, love and kindness. I've never read your holy book before, but i believe there is no where in the book that ever mention whoever uses the name should be stoned, burnt, bombed and killed. If your religion also has the notion of hell, then you are very much heading to it.

  • If that is indeed a NAME for only THAT SPECIFIC GOD, then when the other religion is singing praises to that name, then they are also worshipping your God. Then you should be glad and not acting as if only you have the rights to call His name. After all, you do not OWN God. No one does.

  • The reason given about calling the Christian God the same name will confuse and even convert your people to Christianity, i tell you, this is the lamest excuse i've ever heard. Yes, in case you do not get it, i'm telling you again, it is
    Are you telling me that people from your religion will convert to Christianity simply because they share the same word to call the name of God? Do you see the people of your religion as a bunch of idiots like you? Are you telling me that if i were to go to Chinese temple and start calling the Buddha Jesus, and all the Christians will start believing the statue of Buddha is indeed Jesus and they will all convert to Buddhism too? Now seriously, can you please grow a brain?

  • It is equally lame to tell us that Malaysia has different culture and demography and hence we cannot use other Muslim countries that do not ban the use of that word as justifications. Erm, hello, so you are basically telling me that this is not something forbidden by your religion but by YOU. Who are you to decide and dictate that that word is reserved for your use only? Are you God? Has He spoken to you and told you to do so?

  • I think our neighbour, who happens to be most populous Islamic nation in the world and have absolutely no issue with Christians using that word too, would all be scratching their heads and couldn't figure out what this hoo-ha is all about. After all, all religions have one similar doctrine, as shown in this picture of a church in Indonesia sent to me by a friend:

    Yes, GOD IS LOVE, no matter whose God you are talking about. And as far as i concerned, there is only ONE GOD, no matter what name you called Him.

I'm sure i have more to say if this drama continues on and on and on. But i really ought to go to bed now.

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