I think, therefore I write. (我思,所以我写。)

Cogito ergo scribo

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Worth it

I've never regretted the 8 years that i spent with 贝. Really, those were the happiest time of my life.

What i do regret though was getting married. How i wish the marriage had never taken place, but then all are too late already.

I believe YY regrets about getting married too, with him so deeply in love with that China woman now. If he's still single, what he did would not have been a sin, and the world wouldn't be crucifying their love now. He can just have the change of heart without even have to resort to cheating; he can openly be together with her now without have to lie to anyone.

In fact, sometimes i even wonder if he regrets about the past 8 years with me. Perhaps he is saying to himself that how he wishes the person whom he met 8 years ago was her and not me.

He had told me before that he does not regret any of these that has happened. He also said to me that he believes it is fate that for the two of them to meet each other and to fall in love. So basically, he would still wanna go through all these, including hurting me and everyone around us, than not have the chance to meet and love her.

The ironic part is that we had talked about something similar before many years ago, about us. We said that maybe it was fate for me to be hurt by my first boyfriend so that i'd come to SG to meet him, who was with his first girlfriend at that time. If it were not for both our first love, we would not have met each other in SG and fall in love. We agreed that it was our destiny.

Of course, it turned out that it wasn't. Or rather, fate or destiny only applies to people who are in love.

I guess he feels that anything that happened to him and the people around him does not really matter; she is worth everything that happened. Knowing him, there's no surprise in his such thoughts. He's the kind of guy who is once smitten with a woman, he would become mesmerised, or obsessive even. He will feel that the woman is the love of his life, that he wanna protect her from all harm and hurt, that she is the most important person in his life (even above the family), that he's willing to give up everything for her, and that he wants to be with her forever.

Well, basically, he's in love again for the 3rd time in his life. The syndromes are exactly the same. Sadly, this also means that he had not grown up at all over all these years.

As for me, since i found out the affair, i had been in the pain. Despite all these, i've never stopped loving him, even until now. Yet, i do know that he is a different person to me now, and my love does not mean a thing to him anymore. With all the he had done and still doing, he is no longer a person worthy for my love anymore. My love is sacred, and only those who truly deserve it should get it.

During all these time, i've been writing emails to him. Back in April when i was working on reconciliation, after he had sex for the first time with that woman (which i did not know of), he wrote to me saying that he was a jerk who's not worthy of my love and deserve someone better. And my reply to him was this:









I still naively believed that he does love me and was only lost at that moment. Perhaps i couldn't accept the fact yet at that time, about he actually no longer loves me since years ago.

I wrote to him a short email again in May:





You know, what i said about he's worth everything that i have done for him, i really meant it. Even today i still stand by what i said.

Really, to do everything we can for the person we love, even when it means to be hurt deeply, is that not worth it?

There's a saying that goes, "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all".

Uh huh, to truly love a person is to really love without reservation. I've done that, for him, and i'm sure that no one else in this world would ever do that for him, especially not this China woman.

Everything i did for him over all those years and in the past few months, are all worth it, simply because he was the person i truly love with my heart and soul. I have truly loved, wholeheartedly, without reservation. I gave all i could and i have no regrets.

Yet, it's time to stop already. The person whom he is now is no longer the same person i loved. As i said before, YY is not 贝. The 贝 who worth everything i did is already dead. The YY now, well, does not worth it at all.


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