I think, therefore I write. (我思,所以我写。)

Cogito ergo scribo

Sunday, July 05, 2009

What is love to me now

Four years ago, when i was immersed in the blissful relationship with 贝, showered by his love and care, i've used pu-er tea as a metaphor for describing my interpretation of love.

And in reply to the comments, i wrote that:

I guess only two types of situations can enable a person to describe love -- it's either you are heart-broken or you've found your true love

Yet again, another irony huh!

Many years back when i was going through the heart-break of my first relationship, i thought of love as coffee. Then a few years back when i was happily in love, i said it's like pu-er tea.

Then how about now?

I'd say it's both actually.

Love is like coffee, bitter sweet in taste. True love is also like pu-er tea, must be kept with care, drunk with appreciation and supposedly to get better with age.

The love of two 贝s was once indeed like pu-er tea, just too bad that YY didn't treasure and appreciate the good expensive tea leaves that he had at home. He simply chuck it aside without a care and was addicted to the fake tea outside instead. Then the tea leaves at home were ruined and could never be back to the original state anymore. There is no other choice but to dispose it now.

I guess a lot of men are like that. They'd wanna try all the different kinds of tea in the market instead of just keep to one kind. But what they fail to realise is that after they had tasted all the tea and finally decided on the one they really love, that good tea may have already lost its taste or out of market already, and they can't get it back ever again.


I still have this child-like pastime in me that not a lot of people know about. I'd sometimes color the coloring book as a way to de-stress. Yes, kind of childish but then it helps to calm myself down and gave me a feeling of returning to the trouble-free younger years.

Recently, i dug out the coloring book and started coloring again.

And guess what, love to me now is just like coloring book!

Everyone of us is just like the images in the coloring book, with the outline but colorless.

Love is the different shades that we put in, and we actually get to choose what colors to put into it, and where we put it too. We can make it as colorful as we want it, or we can leave a lot of blanks in it. It's all of our choice.

If we use the right colors and good color pencils, the colors will be long-lasting and look vibrant. If we use our heart and take extra care in filling in the colors, the images will be beautiful or even captivating.

Yet, if we do not take the coloring seriously and simply put in any colors, or color outside the lines, it will just destroy the whole picture. We can try to use eraser to correct the wrong colors or out-of-line colors, but there is no way for us to make it as good as before, and the remnant of the wrong colors will forever be visible to remind us on the mistake we made.

So you see, love is just like filling in the colors onto a coloring book. We get to choose how we want our love to be, we gotta use our hearts and soul during the process, and we must never get out of the boundary, or else the love will be tainted and even forever destroyed.

The two 贝s had been coloring the page together for many years, and the picture had always been wonderful. But it was ruined because one day YY became dull with coloring with care all the time. He decided to try out the wrong colors, and even color it out of the lines. Now what's left is this piece of ugly picture that can never be put back to its beautiful form as before anymore.

Now i'm left alone, onto a new colorless page myself. I may have to color it on my own from now on, or i may be fortunate enough to get another person to color it with me again. Whatever it is, i just hope that this time round, it will be done with care and i'll get the most beautiful and colorful picture in the end.


1 cogitation

Friend, really 佩服oh!
Colouring, u also can come out with such theory! Really a waste not to be a 作家lah! Must continue this passion in writing oh!

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