The document now stands at 130 pages. Let's see if I can hit 200 pages by the time I complete it.
In case you are in awe of my ability to produce such long document, let it be known that what I am writing is the technical specs. There are lots of tables and screenshots in the document, which take up lots of space. So, as good as I am in spewing nonsenese, I'm not that brilliant to write so much within just two days.
Oh boy, am I bushed. Seriously, feel like I can drop dead anytime, but then I really do not know what it is that keeps me going despite the draining energy. I'm sure for this round, it isn't about passion anymore. I guess it's simply the sense of responsibility, plus my stubborn insistence of always striving for the best. Sometimes I really wonder why I even bother when nothing in my life really matters that much anymore.
Oh well, that's the depressed me talking again. Now the hardworking me better go take a bath and then continue working.
Labels: work