Naturally, i would not miss such fun. Besides supporting the petition page against this pointless and dubious project, i also voted (with comment) on a survey conducted on Facebook about my opinion on this idea.
Then the survey led me to the page that posted this question (i am not sure if this is really the official site set up by the company chosen by the government to run this project).
I of course then took the chance to say my piece on this page, just like many other fellow citizens.
Oh, and by the way, for those who think that this idea is the same as the OneInbox initiative from IDA Singapore, it is not. Do note that Singapore government is more like adding an inbox to the already existed single platform of SingPass, whereas the one suggested by our government so far seemed to suggest that it is an email service just like gmail, hotmail, etc.
Furthermore, such concept of "single point of contact for all government correspondences" will only be beneficial in countries with high Internet penetration rate and coverage, such as Singapore. The initiative will also only work when it goes in tandem with other effort, such as how Singapore government put in place projects to develop the infrastructure as well as educating the citizens (even the elderly) to be IT literate. It will simply be a waste of time, money and resources when it is implemented in a country where the government does not even put in proper plan to improve the overall national IT infrastructure or is more than happy to keep a low education standard for the citizens so that they can have credulous citizens who will continue to vote for them blindly.