I attended the cell group gathering on last Thursday evening. We had an interesting Passover dinner and time of worship. Then on Good Friday, I didn't attend church and stayed in the apartment for the entire day. I was having mild sore throat and headache, which were symptoms of the onset of a full-blown cold or flu. I decided to have a good rest at home to prevent it from getting worse.
Hibernating at home for a day did indeed help. On Saturday, I was all well and went out shopping for almost the whole day. My main focus on that day was to shop for the items for my survival kits. So far I am only about 50% done. Some of the items will have to be purchased online.
Then on Sunday, I went to church in the morning as usual and then went to a church brother's home for lunch with another sister. He brought us to a nice hill top where there was this huge wind turbine and magnificent view of Wellington. Unfortunately it was a rainy and windy day and hence I couldn't take photos and only stayed for a short while. I'd definitely go back there again to snap pictures of the beautiful landscape.
Monday is then another stay-at-home day. I spent the day watching Taiwanese variety shows on YouTube to entertain myself. The system for my new project will be going live on next Monday and this coming four days will sure be hectic for me in performing system preparation and data migration. So I guess staying at home and watching some funny tv programmes is also a good form of relaxation before I start another week of hard work.
On an unrelated note, I just realised that in NZ, there is this 3.5 days of business non-operating law - all businesses must not open on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and ANZAC Day (half day). Unlike other gazetted holidays such as the New Year Day when the shops can choose to open if they pay overtime for the working staff, these 3.5 days are mandatory by law to be rest days and all shops much be closed except those with exemptions or in certain special areas (such as tourist places). Even for the shops that do open on that day, there are rules on what can be sold. Any shops in violation will be fined NZD1,000. Some businesses had actually intentional broken this law and opened on these days because they found that NZD1,000 is nothing compared to the earnings they could attain on these holidays. Frankly for a country that is legalising gay marriage and whose people are not particularly religious, I found this law to be really pointless.
Labels: life, New Zealand