Siang and her little gal should be on board the plane now flying back to Japan. The past weekend was the last gathering we had with her for this year.
Siang, LF, Ting, Sui and i met up on Saturday night (at 9pm+) for late dinner/supper at the Lido beach hawker centre. I finally had all the local food that i had been craving for - clams, tauhu and you-tiao bakar and ice kacang. Sui and i finished up all the food while the other three ladies were only having ice kacang, as they already had dinner prior meeting Sui and i, while the two of us hadn't had dinner yet and were famished.
After the meal, we went drinking at the Duty Free Zone. Well, all five of us, even though still looking young and beautiful, had already passed the age of clubbing-till-dawn. We just went to one of the pubs, sat down and had a little bit of beer while chit-chatting.
Actually after we had seated at a table, no one really bothered to serve us at all; no one brought us any menu or attend to us. The reason was obvious - there was no guy among us. We weren't really offended by such service, as it was already expected at a place like this. I mean, after all, those waitresses were out there making a living, so why waste time serving a group of women who would not be tipping them no matter how good their service is or how little they are wearing.
We were in fact quite "entertained" by the surrounding, seeing all the sexy young girls going from tables to tables selling beers to guys (and need i add that also selling their youth and beauty at the same time?). We do not want to judge them (both those girls and the guys), but such night life kinda reminded us of what this world is slowly turning into.
We headed home at around 1am. It had been quite a while since we stayed out in JB town until so late into the night.
On Sunday after the church service, i met up with Sui, Siang and her little gal for lunch. We went to the Jaya Jusco at Bukit Indah, and it was unusually packed that day, probably due to the long holiday in Singapore, as there are many people in JB who work in Singapore like me.
We had lunch at a Thai restaurant in the mall, and it was almost fully occupied. The restaurant apparently wasn't used to such crowd and couldn't cope with so many customers. They missed out our orders and serve the food to the customers who came in after us first when we had already waited for very long. We gotta ask the waiters three times, and each time after our reminding and then they only served one dish.
I was very unhappy with such service. I could understand if they have problem coping with the crowd, but they should rectify and pay attention to it immediately after the customer had already asked the first time. It is a great failure in customer service if you actually do nothing to fix the situation after the first complaint and need the customer to do it three times.
Anyway, the bad experience for the lunch did not dampen our mood. After the meal, we went shopping and then had doughnuts for late afternoon tea. We also bought some Taiwanese food back as dinner before we headed home respectively.
And so i said goodbye to my dear friend and her adorable little girl. When we meet again next year, the little girl would have grown so much again, reminding us of how quickly time passes and how fast we are ageing as well.
Until then, i am still young and pretty in the eyes of this wonderful little girl, who drew me a portrait (she was so observant to even drew the pendant bearing my name "彬" on my neck):

Labels: life